Carlos A. Coello Coello is a full professor of computer science and researcher at The Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV) in Mexico, where he was born. His main research interests are in evolutionary algorithms, which use principles from biology in algorithmic problem solving.
Author: Daniel
The Business Expert
There was an expectation as Silvana grew up that she would remain within her own country. Though her exposure to the outside world was limited, she knew from a young age that she wanted to meet people from all over the world. This would eventually lead to a unique career managing IT systems across different countries and with many diverse groups of people.
The Financial Professional
Foster spent a long time finding a career that would satisfy his love of both solving problems and seeking new challenges. After making a left turn towards the computing industry and carrying with him his skills in communication and collaboration, he has become both an effective team player and a passionate software developer.
The Animal-Centred Designer
As a product and service designer, tackling a Ph.D. in the computer science department felt strange to Luisa. She was surrounded by people with a traditional computer science background. However, she quite quickly realised a striking advantage she had over others. As a designer, she believes one’s fear of failure is naturally very low. In this department, she was the one who felt most comfortable taking risks.
The Late Bloomer
He’s not a mathematician, and is under no illusion that he is one. Joshua believes firmly that the illusion is that you have to be one kind of person or have one type of intellect to work in computer science. Joshua Gross is an assistant professor of computer science at California State University Monterey Bay.
The Librarian
Dorothea was there when XML, a language for formatting documents, came out and into the mainstream. However, she wasn’t working as a computer scientist or programmer; she was typesetting for university presses and journal publishers. A unique career has led her to teaching Computer and Information Science classes at the University of Wisconsin as a distinguished faculty associate, all stemming from a beginning that had its roots in librarianship.
The Historian
Sitting around the dinner table with a family in Ecuador and absorbing a language that was not his own, one may never have assumed that Graham would become a front-end software developer later in life. History, culture and languages surrounded him from an early age, only to become even stronger passions as he moved through early adulthood.
The Fitness Enthusiast
As a female “sports junky” and fitness entrepreneur, Patience doesn’t fit the prevalent stereotypes about who you should be as a computer scientist. Patience Ankunda is 24 years old and has grown up in Uganda. Upon completing secondary school, she felt strongly that she should pursue architecture as a career path. She joined a bachelor of architecture in 2016 and worked through it for 2 years until realizing it wasn’t for her.
The Dancer
While teaching Scottish dancing classes, Terry would set goals, prepare lessons, move around the classroom and focus on delivering the same lesson in multiple ways. He would later realise, with much excitement, that these same principles carried over to the teaching of computer science to college students.